The Realities of Caregiver Self-Care: Four Essential Tips / Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias

When you’re caring for a family member with Alzheimer’s or other type of dementia, you’ve probably heard countless times: “Don’t forget to take care of yourself.” While well-intentioned, this advice can feel overwhelming when you’re already juggling multiple responsibilities! Through our conversation with Elizabeth Miller, we’ve learned that effective self-care is about more than just […]

Dental Care Update: Three New Tips / Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias

“I discovered a growth on his gum that was only slightly smaller than a marble. That’s when I realized dental care involves much more than just brushing teeth.”   As caregivers for our loved ones with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, we’re continuously learning and adapting our care approaches. Through recent experiences, we’ve discovered […]

Creating Engaging Activities: Three Tips / Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias

As caregivers for our loved ones with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, we often struggle with adapting activities to their changing abilities. Through our experiences, and what we’ve learned from others on their caregiving journeys, Nancy Treaster and I developed three important tips to help you create meaningful engagement that honors who our care […]

Traveling: Four Essential Tips / Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias

“We’ve both had ‘that’ trip — the last trip that you take when you decide we’re not traveling ever again with our care receiver. Or, as we like to say, it’s the trip after the last trip you should have taken!” We are Sue Ryan and Nancy Treaster. As caregivers for our loved ones with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, we’ve learned travel decisions require careful consideration. Through our experiences, and what we’ve learned from support groups and others on their journeys, we’ve developed four important tips to help you decide whether you and your care receiver should stay home or go on what could be ‘that’ trip.